A Kid Again Financial Reports

A Kid Again is a 501C3 non-profit organization. Funding is provided by generous donations from the community. Corporations and individual donors sustain A Kid Again through direct gifts, sponsorship of our adventures, support of our fundraisers, and in-kind donations. An impressive 89.9% of every dollar raised goes directly to programs and services for children with life-threatening conditions

Financial Transparency

Charity Navigator

A Kid Again is proud to be part of Charity Navigator. Charity Navigator is America’s largest independent evaluator of charities.

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4-Star Certificate

4-Star Award Letter

Better Business Bureau

A Kid Again has been evaluated according to the 20 BBB Standards for Charity Accountability and meets all 20 standards giving the organization a BBB-accredited charity status. By meeting the Standards for Charity Accountability, A Kid Again participates in the BBB Wise Giving Alliance Charity Seal program, giving the organization permission to display the seal.

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GuideStar USA, Inc.  A Kid Again is a Platinum-level Guidestar-rated charity by GuideStar USA Inc. is an independent online information service specializing in reporting on U.S. nonprofit companies.

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