Adventures To Treasure Forever

We are Clevelanders. My husband Eric grew up on the West side and I grew up on the East side. We met in high school, but started dating after college and were married in 2003Soon afterward we welcomed Ava, Shane and Brooke to our family.

Our picture perfect life came to an abrupt turn for the worse when our son Shane, then 3 years old was diagnosed with PiloMyxoid Astrocytoma, a rare, inoperable brain tumor.  We knew right away that we had a long road ahead of us, but one thing we knew for sure was we would do everything possible to keep all of our children’s lives as normal as possible.  So, when we found out about A Kid Again at a function at the University Hospitals, we immediately signed up.

Since then, as a family we have enjoyed Adventures to Cedar Point, Wildwater Kingdom, Boo at the Zoo and the annual Holiday parties.

What we appreciate most about the A Kid Again Adventures is that they allow all three of our children to feel like “normal” kids, because they all get to do “normal” things together as a family.

Further, since all families are facing similar situations, we feel comfortable being around each other and Adventures give us a strong sense of comradery and community.

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